A. Review of the basic structure of the heart using plastic models and/or diagrams.
1. The Four Chambers
a. Right Atrium
b. Right Ventricle
c. Left Atrium
d. Left Ventricle
2. The Four Valves
a. Tricuspid
b. Bicuspid
c. Pulmonic Semilunar
d. Aortic Semilunar
B. Discuss anatomy of the heart and cardiovascular system using human heart specimens.
1. The Four Chambers
a. Right Atrium
b. Right Ventricle
c. Left Atrium
d. Left Ventricle
2. The Four Valves
a. Tricuspid
b. Biscuspid
c. Pulmonic Semilunar
d. Aortic Semilunar
3. Cardiac Cycle
4. Conducting System
a. Sinoatrial Node
b. Atrioventricular Node
c. Bundle of His
d. Sympathetic Innervation
e. Parasympathetic Innervation
5. The Coronary Artery
a. Left Coronary Artery
b. Right Coronary Artery
C. Discuss coronary risk factors, cardiovascular diseases and preventive measures.
1. Heart Failure
a. Causes
b. Symptoms
c. Prevention and Treatments
2. Atherosclerosis
a. Causes
b. Symptoms
c. Prevention and Treatments
3. Myocardial Infarction
a. Causes
b. Symptoms
c. Prevention and Treatments
4. Stenosis
a. Causes
b. Symptoms
c. Prevention and Treatments
D. Questions and Answers
After this videoconference, students will be able to:
1. Define selected terms associated with the heart and circulatory system
2. Explain the connection between the heart and the circulatory system
3. Identify protective structures of the heart
4. Identify the four chambers of the heart
5. Trace blood flow through the heart
6. Understand the role of a cardiologist or surgeon in treating diseases of the heart
7. Characterize important factors that may increase the risk of heart disease
8. Describe heart-healthy lifestyle choices
Standards Alignment
National Standards
National Science Education (NSES) Content Standards for grades 5-8
Content Standard A Science as Inquiry
Content Standard C, Life Science: Structure and function in living systems; Diversity and adaptations of organisms
Content Standard F, Science in Personal and Social Perspectives: Personal Health
State Standards
Show Me Standards
(Science and Health/Physical Education)
Science 3. Characteristics and interactions of living organisms
Health/Physical Education 1. Structures of, functions of and relationships among human body systems
Health/Physical Education 2.Principles and practices of physical and mental health
Health/Physical Education 3. Diseases and methods for prevention, treatment and control
Health/Physical Education 5. Methods used to assess health, reduce risk factors and avoid high risk behaviors