1. Introduction to Baseball Hall of Fame.
2. Presentation on the evolution of baseball uniforms and how they correspond to major events in American history.
3. Question and answer session with students.
A. Examine baseball uniforms of the last 150 years.
B. Learn about major historical events of the 20th century and how they are reflected in uniform changes.
c. Learn about the exhibits offered at the National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum.
Standards Alignment
National Standards
The National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum proudly presents fun-filled, content-rich experiences for students from pre-K to grade 12. Our field trips are all aligned with Common Core State Standards, and also support other learning goals.
Grades 3-5: CCSS ELA CONTENT: W.3.8/4.8/5.8, SL.3.1/4.1/5.1 - MCREL STANDARDS: Technology.Level 2.Standards 3,4,6
Grades 6-8: CCSS ELA CONTENT: SL.6.1/7.1/8.1, SL.6.2/7.2/8.2, SL.6.4/7.4/8.4 - MCREL STANDARDS: Technology.Level 3.Standards 3,4,6
Grades 9-12: CCSS ELA CONTENT: SL.9-10.1/11-12.1, SL.9-10.4/11-12.4 - MCREL STANDARDS: Technology.Level 3.Standards 3,4,6