Diversity of the American West: Cultures, People & Environments

by  Booth Museum

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Learn about the diverse culture of the American West through art and artifacts in the Booth collection! Explore diverse cultures and contributions (American Indians, African-American homesteaders, Chinese-American immigrants, Mexican-American vaqueros, women), history of cowboy culture and cattle drives (vaqueros, African-American cowboys, Chisolm Trail, The Great Western Trail). Transportation out West (Transcontinental Railroad, stage coach), the Homestead Act, Oregon Trail, regions/landforms and forced removal of American Indians are also included. 

Program Rating

   based on 6 evaluation(s).
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About This Program


Multipoint: $150.00
Multipoint Premium: $130.00
Point to Point: $95.00
Point to Point Premium: $90.00
By Request: $95.00
By Request Premium: $90.00


About 50 minutes

Target Audience

Education: Grade(s) 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Homeschool/Family Public Library: Library Patrons

Minimum participants:


Maximum participants:


Primary Disciplines

Fine Arts, History & Social Studies, Hispanic Heritage

Program Delivery Mode

Videoconference – Webcam/desktop (Zoom, Google Meet, Cisco WebEx, GoToMeeting, Microsoft Teams, etc...)
Google Hang Out
Microsoft Teams

Booking Information

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Provider's Cancellation Policy

Programs are non-refundable, however cancellations due to technical difficulties, school closings, or those received 48 hours in advance may be rescheduled for no additional charge. Rescheduling is subject to availability.

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Booth Museum

Cartersville, GA
United States

The Booth Museum, in Association with the Smithsonian Institution, is a 120,000 square foot museum located in Cartersville, Georgia. The Booth is home to the largest collection of American Western artwork on exhibition in the nation, including historical and contemporary American Indian art and artifacts. Open since August 2003, Booth Museum is the only museum of its kind in the Southeast and was ranked at the #1 art museum in the nation by USA Today, Readers Choice Awards 2020 & 2021. 

A CILC Pinnacle Award winner, the Booth offers interactive virtual field trips infusing the arts with other disciplines such as social studies, history, science, language arts, literacy and STEAM.  Programs are book on demand and will engage your students in hands-on learning while appealing to multiple learning styles.  Lifelong learning programs are also available with special program topics available upon request.

Patty Dees

Program Details


1. Artwork introduces diversity of the American West
-Intro question "What do you think of when you think of the American West?" paired with Visual Thinking Strategy question "What do you see" /"What's going on here?"
2. Landscapes & Environments
- Artwork guides discussion of buttes, mesa, deserts, Great Plains, western temperate forests
3. People and Cultures
- Artwork of Hopi water carrier; contact with Euro-Americans
- Object identification of trade items
-Diversity of cowboy culture explored through selected artwork
- Vaqueros (Spanish cowboy culture) and Mexican cowboy culture formed American cowboy
-Object identification of cowboy gear and its use
- Cattle trails and cattle drives
-African-American cowboys; focus on Bill Pickett through artwork
- African-American homesteaders (sculpture); Homestead Act of 1862
-Chinese-American contributions; Gold Rush, Transcontinental Railroad; business & industry
- Women; Charley Parkhurst- female stagecoach driver; artwork- primary source; Stagecoach
4. Animals of the West (bison focus)
5. Forced Removal of Indigenous Peoples
- Bison box object identification
- Artwork by Dine (Navajo) artist Baje Whitethorne, Sr.
- Resiliency of indigenous people; contributions today


1. Explore the diversity of cultures and people that contributed to the settlement of the American West through artwork.
2. Engage in a discussion about the opportunities and contributions of African-Americans during Westward Expansion (homesteaders, cowboys, and cattle drives, Wild West shows).
3. Engage in a discussion about the opportunities and contributions of Chinese-American immigrants (Gold Rush, Transcontinental Railroad).
4. Identify landforms and environments that make up the American West.
5. Compare intended and unintended consequences of Westward Expansion through movement and migration (Oregon Trail, railroads, forced removal of indigenous peoples).
6. Explore the changing role of women in the West

Standards Alignment

National Standards

Programs support National Curriculum and Common Core Standards in areas of Social Studies and Visual Arts

State Standards

Georgia Standards of Excellence
SS5H1a, SS5G1a (Chisolm Trail), SS5E1b,d; VA5.RE.1a,c; VA5.CN.3, ELAGSE5RL1, ELAGSE5RI2, ELAGSE5RI3, ELAGSE5SL1b,c,d