1. Introduction to the topic, ask a couple of questions to compare human needs/whys to animals.
2. Birds-feathers and features
3. Reptiles- scales and shells
4. Amphibians- special skin
5. Mammals- fur, blubber, hair
6. Time is allowed for questions and answers at end (and throughout the program)
1. What do you notice about the pelt presented?
2. What do different fur, shells, and skin tell us about the animal itself?
Standards Alignment
State Standards
North Carolina Standard Course of Study:
•PS.K.1.1 Analyze and interpret data to classify objects by physical properties (size, color, shape, texture, weight and flexibility).
•LS.K.1.1 Engage in argument from evidence to summarize the characteristics of living organisms and nonliving things in terms of their: structure, growth, changes, movement, basic needs.