1. Introduction to topic
2. The Arctic and the Arctic Circle
3. Peoples of the Arctic
4. Animals and plants of the Arctic
5. Climate change in the Arctic
6. Conclusion
7. Questions and answers
• Identify a plant, or animal (land, insect, and/or ocean), that lives in the arctic
• What is an interesting native people’s invented way of life?
• How is climate change affecting the Arctic and arctic way of life?
Standards Alignment
State Standards
North Carolina Standard Course of Study:
ESS.7.2 Understand the reciprocal relationship between the atmosphere and humans.
ESS.7.2.1 Engage in argument from evidence to explain that the good health of humans and the environment requires: monitoring of the atmosphere, maintaining air quality and stewardship.
ESS.8.2 Understand the hydrosphere including freshwater, estuarine, ocean systems.
EESS.8.2.2 Use models to explain how temperature and salinity drive major ocean currents and how these currents impact climate, ecosystems, and the distribution of nutrients, minerals, dissolved gases, and life forms.
EESS.8.3.2 Engage in argument from evidence to explain that the good health of humans and the environment requires: monitoring of the hydrosphere, water quality standards, methods of water treatment, maintaining safe water quality, and stewardship.