What's with NFL Team Nicknames? (FREE)

by  Pro Football Hall of Fame

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This program examines NFL team histories and how team nicknames were selected and the meaning behind those. Students will learn that not all teams are named from fan polls. Some team nicknames are deeply woven into the history of the communities or the geographic region in which they reside. The 50-minute program, which is designed to be highly interactive, is supplemented by a lesson aligned with Common Core/National Standards of Education and is recommended for grades 4-12.

Program Rating

   based on 47 evaluation(s).
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Multipoint: $0.00
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View Only: 0.00
View Only Premium: $0.00
Point to Point: $0.00
Point to Point Premium: $0.00
By Request: $0.00
By Request Premium: $0.00





Target Audience

Education: Grade(s) Kindergarten, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Minimum participants:


Maximum participants:


Primary Disciplines

Career & Technical Education (CTE), International, Leadership, Literacy, Problem Solving, History & Social Studies, Technology/Information Science, Writing

Program Delivery Mode

Google Hang Out

Booking Information

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Pro Football Hall of Fame

Canton, OH
United States

The Pro Football Hall of Fame's mission:

Honor the Greatest of the Game, Preserve its History, Promote its Values, and Celebrate Excellence Together!

Helping to fulfill this mission are the many educational and youth initiatives offered by the Hall of Fame.

The Pro Football Hall of Fame Youth & Education Department is committed to empower youth around the world and aims to inspire young people to achieve Hall of Fame success on and off the field. Our BEST work will yield a new generation of character, courage & compassion. Young men and women of nobility, integrity and honor who are both inclusive (of all races & religions) and prepared to respect, and, if necessary, defend,
those who are weaker or different than themselves. A new generation that shall make our families stronger, our communities closer, our companies more competitive, our country greater and our world a better place to live. A positive & passionate generation of perseverance, excellence & love.

Jerry Csaki

Program Details


10 minutes – Welcome/Mission/Values
30 minutes – Discussion/Videos on Team Nicknames and Histories
10 minutes – Question and Answers


• Students will understand the relationship between a team’s history, geography and its NFL nickname.

Standards Alignment

National Standards

National Standards Met:
• Geography: The World in Spatial Terms; Places and Regions; Human Systems
• US History K-4th Grade: Living and Working Together in Families and Communities, Now and Long Ago; The History of Students' Own State or Region
• US History 5th-12th Grade: Era 7: The Emergence of Modern America (1890-1930);
Era 8: The Great Depression and World War II (1929-1945); Era 9: Postwar United States (1945 to early 1970s); Era 10: Contemporary United States (1968-Present)
• Technology: Basic Operations and Concepts; Technology Communication Tools; Technology Research Tools