Program begins with a welcome and introduction by a Denver Museum of Nature & Science professional educator.
Program topic will be introduced with a question or activity.
Observe a sheep lung dissection.
Investigate the Respiratory System while participating in activities.
Predict & record in a student journal.
Time will be allowed during program for questions.
The participants will be able to...
*Explore the different structures and functions of the lung
*Explain how the O2/CO2 exchange happens in the alveoli and between the respiratory system & the circulatory system
Standards Alignment
National Standards
Next Generation Science Standards:
• MS-LS1-3 Students who demonstrate understanding can: Use arguments supported by evidence for how the body is a system of interacting subsystems composed of groups of cells. [Clarification Statement: Emphasis is on the conceptual understanding that cells form tissues and tissues form organs specialized for particular body functions. Examples could include the interaction of subsystems within a system and the normal functioning of those systems.]
State Standards
Colorado Academic Standards:
• MS-LS1-GLE1 All living things are made up of cells, which is the smallest unit that can be said to be alive. ?
o c. Use argument supported by evidence for how the body is a system of interacting subsystems composed of groups of cells.?[Clarification Statement: emphasis is on the conceptual understanding that cells form tissues and tissues form organs specialized for particular body functions. Examples could include the interaction of subsystems within a system and the normal function of those systems.] [Boundary Statement: Does not include the mechanism of one body system independent of others. Limited to the circulatory, excretory, digestive, respiratory, muscular, and nervous systems.]