As members of the Spectrum Wave Analysis Team (S.W.A.T.),students will be given the task of investigating waves to determine their characteristics, sources, and potential uses. They will be given partial information about different waves, and will work together to complete a report on their assigned wave to learn more about how it affects our everyday lives both on Earth and in space.
Participants will learn about the various waves, their usefulness, if they are harmful or not, etc. They will also use their lab journals to document their observations of the demonstrations and explanations given by the Lab Director.
Standards Alignment
National Standards
Check out the link under "Standards/Objectives" for this mission on Many state or local standards are addressed with this program and the complete list is available on the website.
State Standards
Check out the link under "Standards/Objectives" for this mission on Many state or local standards are addressed with this program and the complete list is available on the website.