1. Dissect on owl pellet using the bones to determine the prey using a dichotomous key.
2. Discuss predator-prey relations.
3. Discuss predator and prey adaptations using animal skulls.
1. Students will define biodiversity and apply knowledge of food chains, food webs, energy pyramids and niches in ecosystems.
2. Students will dissect an owl pellet and utilize a dichotomous key.
3. Students will identify the three types of teeth and determine an animal's role in an ecosystem.
4. Students will engage in a discussion on predator and prey adaptations.
5. Students will engage in a discussion on population control and predator-prey dynamics.
Standards Alignment
National Standards
Meets Next Generation Science Standards
State Standards
5.PS3.D1 Use models to describe that energy stored in food (used for body repair, growth, motion, and to maintain body warmth) was once energy from the sun.
5.LS2.B1 Develop a model to describe the movement of matter among plants, animals, decomposers, and the environment.
3.L2U1.7 Develop and use system models to describe the flow of energy from the Sun to and among living organisms.
3.L2U1.8 Construct an argument from evidence that organisms are interdependent.
6.L2U1.13 Develop and use models to demonstrate the interdependence of organisms and their environment including biotic and abiotic factors.
6.L2U1.14 Construct a model that shows the cycling of matter and flow of energy in ecosystems.